Doctors, teach your adrenal insufficiency patients well …

In the autumn of 2021, it appeared to be a need among the participants in the ENDO-ERN cooperation(*), especially within the Main Thematic Group of the Adrenal glands, to know how in Europe the well-known adrenal stress schedule(**) is used in daily life of the adrenal patients.
Also, we wanted to know in how many cases the right recommended emergency measures can be taken by patients and their carers, relatives in the various countries.
A survey for this purpose was then sent out in collaboration with Endo-ERN, AdrenalNET and the Dutch Adrenal Society NVACP across Europe in the participating European countries.
The survey was sent to nearly 300 people. The survey was completed by 183 people, the results of which gave us all quite a wake-up call.
The results, as shown on a poster at the Milan ECE meeting in May 2022, were shocking. This result gave energy to the authors to start writing the article below.
We wish you much reading pleasure and hope that you, too, will ensure that those receiving cortisone substitution are trained in a timely manner, thanks in part to you, to avoid getting into a dangerous crisis. After all, through proper training and an appropriate action by the patient and his/her family, colleagues & friends, it is no longer normal anno 2023, to bring Adrenal patients into danger.

Johan G. BEUN

Doctors teach your patients well – JB et all

