Muriël Marks
My name is Muriël Marks and I am living in The Netherlands with my husband Frank. We have 3 grown up children.
After many years and medical complaints, I was diagnosed with Cushing’s (pituitary). Unfortunately ‘Plan A’ – pituitary surgery – was not a success. The symptoms remained. After weighing all the pro’s and con’s – with my endocrinologist – ‘Plan B’ was to remove both my adrenal glands. As a result, I now am a ‘primary adrenal insufficiency’ patient, also known as ‘Addison’s Disease’. And as such dependent on hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone. Therefore, my interest is for both the pituitary patient and the adrenal patient.
In 2012 I became involved as a volunteer with the Dutch Adrenal Patient Society. In 2013 I joined their Board, as well as international patient advocacy. From 2014 onwards, various steps led to the founding of WAPO. Currently I am a member of the WAPO Board of Directors and daily active in my role as Executive Director. Besides this, I am also involved in fundraising, finances, projects and organizing the WAPO (e)Summits. My background as a secretary helps me to organize and support the WAPO community.
My goals are: “Raise awareness, improve attention for good treatment, support to patient advocates and patients, especially in regions where this is not yet well-developed!”